In beginning this blog, I promise not to do the things that annoy me when reading other blogs (usually for the last time). So, here are my seven blog promises:
- I will be quick! Each entry can be read in less than three minutes.
- I will be worthwhile! Information will be useful. To you. Now. Or soon.
- I will not indulge myself. No diatribes on politics, religion, the state of the economy or my favorite television show.
- I will reference. I will include links, when possible, to additional information (in case you have more than three minutes).
- I will not shameless promote. Entries will NOT just be poorly disguised ads for my services.
- I will not pander. References to authors, speakers, events, training, other consultants, etc. will be used sparingly.
- I will be timely. Blog entries will be updated at least once a week. Really. I promise.
Dana Schuler Drummond
Sharpshooter Communications, LLC